Welcome to Allison Creek Preschool
The early years of childhood are of great importance! The habits, interests, and attitudes being acquired will influence the remainder of a child's life. The task of providing the most positive, nurturing, and rewarding experiences for our children is not a task we take lightly!
We offer a theme-based curriculum with flexibility for the teachers to draw on the children’s interests. All of our age groups incorporate subject matter areas of math, science, handwriting, music, art, dramatic play, and chapel.
In addition to our curriculum, Allison Creek Preschool offers a weekly session of Playball for each student during the school day. Playball provides age-specific programs according to the cognitive, emotional/social, and motor development milestones of each age group. Its primary objective is to teach sports and movement and teach them properly.
At ACPS, our teachers and staff take emergencies very seriously and are intentional about our course of action should an event require an immediate response. Our staff completes a background check, regular CPR and First Aid training, and child safety training. Fire drills, Severe Weather, and Shelter-in-place drills are held throughout the school year in order to prepare staff and teach children what to do in case of such an emergency.